Create user account [NEERC 2017 Mirror.]

Registration rules

To create an account, please think out, a login and provide your valid e-mail address in the form above. Then press the "Create account" button.

Login may contain only latin letters, digits, . (dot), - (minus sign), _ (undescore).

Simplified registration is available for this contest. Note, however, that simplified registration imposes certain restrictions on further use of the account!

Note, that you must log in 24 hours after the form is filled and submitted, or your registration will be cancelled!

If you already have an ejudge account on this server, you may use it. If so, follow the "Use an existing account" link.


  • To register for the mirror, click red "Register New Account" link (or Create account link on the line right above current one), then follow instructions:
    1. After entering the email and login the screen with login and password will appear. Write down the credentials and continue registration with clicking the `login` button.
    2. Then you are processed to the screen `Viewing general info`. At the grey stripe find the link [Confirm registration] and click it. Then grey stripe will be replaced with green one with the text Registered.
    3. Edit your credentials and add the teamname (by cilcking the Edit link near the General information text. Only at this moment your team is completely registered and added to the contest!
  • It is recommended to try the login and password on the trial contest.
  • If you are already registered, then you may choose one of links Trial Contest and Main Contest to enter the contest using your login and password.
  • Contest will be opened for participation 03 Dec 2017 at 10:30 Moscow Time.

Note for C/C++ users:
  • use long long for signed 64-bit integers; use %lld as format string for reading signed 64-bit integers;
  • use unsigned long long for unsigned 64-bit integers; use %llu as format string for reading unsigned 64-bit integers;